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If Your Passionate About Your Financial Success, You Should be Just as Passionate About Climate Change

If Your Passionate About Your Financial Success, You Should be Just as Passionate About Climate Change

Although it can be easy to get stuck in the “climate change won’t impact me” mentality, it’s important to take a step back and understand the true implications of the global climate reality. By understanding how climate change is going to impact households and corporations alike, we can begin to take action and mitigate negative impacts now.

Firstly, climate change is impacting global companies; supply chain disruptions, material shortages, and more can all be linked to issues with climate change. In a recent survey conducted by PwC, approximately 50% of CEOs across a variety of industries expect to see moderate, large, or very large impacts from climate change, specifically when it comes to costs. Cost impacts can lead directly to low growth numbers and an unsavory bottom line, making stock prices fall and portfolios struggle.

When large companies that produce food, products, and technology that we use in our daily lives are grappling with climate change, prices could rise, making it more difficult (and expensive!) to obtain the products we are accustomed to. With less disposable income, savings safety nets begin to dwindle, investment accounts become less of a priority, and overall financial standings can drop.

Climate change is more often than not the culprit of major floods, fires, and other storms. These storms can cause long-term damage, costing impact households thousands upon thousands of dollars to recover from.

While it would be impossible to go through all the potential impacts of climate change, it’s time to start prioritizing it on a personal level and a societal level. By taking action to slow down climate change, we might be able to avoid future catastrophes, and in turn, secure a long-lasting trend of financial health. At Hewwest, we are committed to going greener because we believe in a better future for the world, and we know that by working together, anything is possible.


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